Why Should You Writing a Woman's Biography

Finding out about ladies’ writers by means of their memoirs or through remarks made by them is regularly more uncovering than their books. Carolyn Heilbrun in her book Writing a Woman's Life (more like a thesis in its initial parts) expresses that to truly know a female writer alright to think of her history, you should go past the analyzation of her anecdotal works and become more acquainted with her from her correspondence with companions and friends. This is particularly valid for ladies creators before 1970, since Heilbrun thinks about that year "the start of another period in ladies' history" and 1973 as the defining moment for "current ladies' life account." Nancy Milford's Zelda is the memoir and May Sarton's Journal of a Solitude is the "watershed in ladies' self-portrayal." The writer presents a solid defense about celebrated ladies journalists, like Louisa May Alcott, the Bronte sisters and Jane Austen, towing the line...